About Melanie

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My wish is that you find something helpful here as we do this crazy journey together called life.

I am a teacher, mentor, and Christ-follower.  I am a spunky Italian who was raised Catholic. I owe the beginnings of my faith to my maternal grandmother who passed away while I was in my early 20’s. As a little girl, we would walk for blocks to attend mass at Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Maple Heights, Ohio. She instilled an awareness of God in me.  Entering my college years as a young adult, I met a group of Christians that guided me toward a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

I have been an English language arts school teacher for 20 years.  I have a strong passion for what I do; teaching students has been one of my greatest joys in life. 

I have taught the Bible to teenagers in the church since I became a believer. The younger generation has always had a special place in my heart and is definitely my place in ministry.

In the past few years, I have taught women’s life groups. I have found that to be refreshing and fulfilling ministry as well and hope to continue more of that in the future.

What made me decide to write and make it a discipline in my life?  I believe it was God-directed.  As I followed that leading in obedience, I found that writing was hard– stressful on the brain.  Not long after starting the blog, I remember praying to God that He would release me from the task.  I was driving down the road, and as I came up to a red light, the car tag in front of me read, “WRITE”.  By faith, I accepted this as a clear sign from God to stick with it even though it was a lot of work to organize, focus on a topic, find the right words, and properly open and close pieces.  By writing, I have encountered a profound sense of who I am, how I approach my faith and God, and have gained greater clarity on the social aspects of relationships.  Writing has become a part of my purpose and growth in life. 

Only God knows the plans He has for me at this juncture of my journey; I do believe His plans are far greater than I can imagine or foresee.    

May you find some bit of hope here.  God bless and much love to you.