Thank You for Not Leaving Me Alone

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17, ESV)

Sometimes loneliness creeps in.  Being in a more vulnerable state, I suppose my spirit is more sensitive to the way God touches my soul.  God orchestrates His love and kindness through people in every day, ordinary places:

-A two year old’s hug that turns into a 30 minute comforting embrace

-An elderly married couple of 50+ years who decide as they pass by to involve me in their playful banter, displaying the grace and love of their long-term relationship

-A brother in Christ I’ve never met who sends daily motivational quotes about discipline and dreams

-A friend who daily shares encouragement through the scriptures

-A neighbor who welcomes me in her home and lends a listening ear

-A family-friend who invites me to her children’s birthday party even though I am the only woman there without children of my own (understanding that I celebrate their joy without resentment or jealousy)

-A man who sits down with me at his grandchildren’s birthday party and asks me to share my testimony

-A woman who stops her chores at an event to speak hope over my life and my future husband

-A friend just a text away who puts up with my sometimes distorted analysis of things and bears under the weight of my heart’s folly

-A loved one who drops what he is doing, drives over to give me a hug, and quotes scripture over me when a medical test result comes in and another one must follow

These people made room in their day and busy lives to love on me in their own special way.  With pure intentions, they weren’t looking for something in return. They gave, and some of them keep on giving.  I recognize it as God’s tangible way of loving on me– the hands and feet of Jesus that came to visit a lonely woman.  Though lonely at times, I am reminded that I am not alone. May we be enlightened on how He loves on us through others, and may we be sensitive to the Holy Spirit on how He can use us in everyday ordinary places in ordinary ways to touch other people’s lives. The small things add up and make a significant difference in a person’s life. I know it does in mine and am thankful.


  • Thank you, Heather, for dropping a line. It is so easy for us to overlook what seems ordinary and miss the message of what’s really intended for us as a deeper, meaningful blessing. Praying blessings over you and your family.

  • Love this, Melanie! Don’t you love how God reaches out to us in those simple ways! How often we miss His gentle, loving ways unless we slow ourselves down and tune into Him. I want to be more aware and look for the gifts that He sends everyday. Thank you for writing!

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